Ursus maritimus (‘sea bear’) evolved from terrestrial brown bears (
Ursus arctos). Though the fur of the polar bear appears white, it is actually transparent; their black skin allows them to soak up as much of the sun’s rays as possible. These bears are dependent on sea ice for hunting, mating and denning. While their evolution allowed them to thrive as a part of the Arctic ecosystem, rising temperatures from climate change has now created a life of struggle. As more of the pack ice diminishes, it has become increasingly difficult for polar bears to travel, feed and raise young. Whether they survive or become extinct is intricately tied to whether the ice endures. Slogan forty-six cautions that the durability of our practice relies on respect for our mentor, enthusiasm for the teachings and a firm commitment to awaken our mind and heart. If we are interested in more than just a fling with mind training, we will make sure these things don’t diminish. Unlike the polar bear, we do have a choice.
Go forward with curiosity, wondering where this experiment will lead. This kind of open-ended inquisitiveness captures the spirit of enthusiasm, or heroic perseverance. ~ Pema Chodron
For more information on the forty-sixth slogan go here.